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Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

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Its inspiration comes from the types without serifs, with features ranging from architecture to modernist design products. With generous shapes and counterforms, the type becomes showy wherever it is, masterfully fulfilling the purpose for which it was designed. Initially designed for a signaling project in the Brazilian city of Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, the STP Display was expanded to include the largest number of characters in the Cyrillic anda Latin alphabet. This helps to find solutions in cases where a large number of languages to communicate something is needed, such as to inform a specific place for a tourist or also a direction to follow for an employee in a company.

The STP Display is a modular feature, developed with rounded corners and a design based on geometric elements, ideal for use in large sizes.

Forms and counterforms, its main characteristics, bring prominence to any signaling project. The STP Display Cyrillic also has another version, the STP Stencil Cyrillic, and in addition to wayfinding projects, both can be used in architectural projects, advertising, packaging, posters, and others.

With a complete Latin alphabet, STP Display Cyrillic covers over 90% of the supported languages, covering the whole American continent, East and West Europe and most of the countries of Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std
Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

Download STP Stencil Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

Download STP Stencil Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std
Download STP Stencil Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std Download STP Stencil Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete StdDownload STP Stencil Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

Developed from the STP Display Cyrillic, the STP Stencil Cyrillic Typeface follows the same characteristic premise as its sister, in addition to composing the same number of Cyrillic and Latin characters. What distinguishes them it’s that the STP Stencil Cyrillic can be applied more easily anytime, anywhere, increasing the possibility of being used in a more craft and artistic way. Since it has characteristics of a stencil font, it brings a more urban and contemporary look, which makes ideal to use it in public spaces with large circulation of people. In addition, wayfinding, architectural, advertising, packaging, posters, among others projects, are a good request for STP Stencil Cyrillic show its vigor and all its beauty.

The STP Stencil Cyrillic is a modular feature source, perfect to use it in major event signaling projects or similar. It can also be useful in any demands that requires improvisation and quick solutions.

The STP Stencil has very expressive forms and counterforms, but still counts with the practicality of a stencil source and its infinite possibilities of use.

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Download Icons Dingbats Symbols Set Fonts Family From TypoGraphicDesign

Download Icons Dingbats Symbols Set Fonts Family From TypoGraphicDesign
Download Icons Dingbats Symbols Set Fonts Family From TypoGraphicDesign Download Icons Dingbats Symbols Set Fonts Family From TypoGraphicDesignDownload Icons Dingbats Symbols Set Fonts Family From TypoGraphicDesign

The typeface “Icons Dingbats Smybols Set” is designed at 2019 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz. The Basic Icons Set is a display typeface that inspired by the here and now. 426 glyphs / icons / decorative extras like icons, arrows, dingbats, emojis, symbols, ornaments, social media icons, sign of the zodiac, geometric shapes, catchwords, decorative ligatures (type the word #LOVE for or #SMILE for as OpenType-Feature dlig) and stylistic alternates (8 stylistic sets). For use in logos, magazines, posters, advertisement plus as webfont for decorative headlines. The font works best for display size. Have fun with this font & use the DEMO-FONT (with reduced glyph-set) FOR FREE! ■ Font Name: Icons Dingbats Smybols Set ■ Font Weights: Reg + DEMO (with reduced glyph-set) ■ Font Cate­gory: Dis­play for head­line size ■ Font For­mat: .otf (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) ■ Glyph Set: 436 glyphs / decorative extras like icons ■ Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, sty­listic sets, automatic con­text­ual alter­nates via Open­Type Fea­ture. Dingbats & Symbols, arrows, hearts, emojis/smileys, stars, further numbers, lines & geometric shapes ■ Design Date: 2019 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Viergutz

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